Pink October — Protecting Breast Health

Every October is known as “World Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” also widely referred to as “Pink October,” symbolized by the pink ribbon representing breast cancer prevention. This month not only encourages people to focus on breast cancer patients but also emphasizes the importance of prevention, early detection, and treatment to reduce incidence and mortality rates, saving more lives.

The Current State of Breast Cancer

According to data published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) under the World Health Organization in April 2024, breast cancer became the second most common cancer globally in 2022, with 2.31 million new cases, second only to lung cancer. These alarming figures highlight the urgency of strengthening breast cancer prevention and control.

Early Prevention: Focusing on Physical and Mental Health

Physical Signals

The key to early breast cancer prevention is paying attention to the signals your body sends. Many symptoms, such as premenstrual breast tenderness, breast hyperplasia, dull complexion, or irregular menstruation, may be related to breast health. If you notice such symptoms, stay alert and undergo a risk assessment as early as possible.

The Impact of Mental Health

Psychological stress can also be associated with the onset of breast cancer. A personality that is overly competitive, long-term mental stress, and emotional repression are potential risk factors. Reducing psychological stress can effectively lower the risk of breast cancer. It’s recommended to consume foods that help relieve stress and promote emotional balance, such as teas made from roses, Chinese roses, and jasmine. Regular breast massage also helps maintain breast health.

Self-Assessment of Risk Factors

Certain physical characteristics and lifestyle habits can increase the risk of breast cancer, such as long-term menstrual irregularities, exposure to harmful chemicals, first childbirth after age 35, early menstruation, or family genetics. Regular breast checkups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are essential.

Breast Cancer Prevention Methods

1. Healthy Diet: Increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins, while reducing the consumption of processed foods and saturated fats, is a crucial step in preventing breast cancer.

2. Physical Exercise: Engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of breast cancer.

3. Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol: Research shows that alcohol consumption and smoking are closely linked to the incidence of breast cancer. Reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking are effective ways to lower risk.

4. Regular Health Screenings: Regular health checkups and mammograms can detect potential abnormalities early, significantly improving treatment outcomes.

5. Avoid Hormone Replacement Therapy: Some hormone replacement therapies may increase the risk of breast cancer. It’s advisable to consult a doctor before use to fully understand the benefits and risks.

Breast Cancer Self-Examination

Self-examination is a simple and effective method to monitor breast health. Women are encouraged to regularly perform self-checks. The specific steps include:

1. Observation: Stand in front of a mirror and observe whether there are any changes in the appearance of your breasts or abnormalities in the nipples.

2. Arm Lift Check: Raise your arms over your head and observe whether the shape of your breasts changes noticeably.

3. Nipple Check: Gently squeeze the nipples to check for any abnormal discharge.

4. Touch Check: Use your fingertips to gently massage the breast from the outer edges inward and from top to bottom, paying attention to any lumps.

5. Underarm Check: Feel the underarm area to see if there are any swollen or abnormal lymph nodes.

If you find any abnormalities, consult a doctor promptly for further examination.

Lighting the Hope of Life

Since 2008, the Art Saving Life Foundation has helped breast cancer patients and survivors through art therapy, healthy living advocacy, and research funding. The foundation lights a beacon of hope for every breast cancer patient, helping them face life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

During this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let’s not only remind ourselves to maintain a healthy lifestyle but also spread this crucial information to help more women understand breast cancer prevention and early detection. Breast cancer is preventable, and through timely checkups and healthy habits, we can significantly reduce the risk and embrace a healthier future.